Welcome To Reiki Master Level Training

 Reiki Master Levels

Michael offers the Level 3 in two separate parts. Level 3a is the Master Level which is aimed  at those practitioners who wish to take their Reiki journey to its ultimate conclusion with the final attunement, taking their vibrational rate to its highest level, and with it comes the fourth and final symbol the Dai Ko Myo the symbol of enlightenment, which replaces the previous three symbols. You will need to discuss with Michael your own journey to date how it has impacted on you and your family and life, on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. Many practitioners will see this as the ultimate achievement, without taking on the added responsibility of teaching. This is a one day course which can be mutually arranged throughout the year regardless of who you trained with for your previous levels. If you are interested in finding out more or have decided that you wish to proceed please email me to arrange an early no obligation meeting to discuss this further.
Course fees. £300
Level 3a Master Practitioner Level 

Level 3b Master Teacher

Level 3b Master Teacher level.  At the Master Teacher level the student will need to prepare  themselves to present all the theoretical content from the level one and level two courses to Micheal on a one to one basis. In essence this means you should be familiar with all aspects of Reiki and be prepared to answer questions to demonstrate to me that you are both capable and sufficiently knowledgeable to teach Reiki to any student.  This is a two and a half day course. The half day is an evening discussion see below. The Saturday begins with the student giving a structured three to four hour presentation to Micheal. Topics you will cover in the presentation are, a full history covering several of the Reiki Masters in Michael's lineage, several theories as to how it works, a full description of each of the four symbols and how each can be used, and drawing each one in the correct manner. 
Demonstrating and discussing the traditional hand positions and how students can and should move on to using their intuition. Discussing what intent is and how students can incorporate this into their treatments. You will also need to present the bodies chakra system with anatomical location and function of each. A list of problems relating to each chakra should be covered. You will also need to discuss what happens during an attunement and the differences between each attunement and what the student should expect and experience. The spiritual aspect needs to be covered in some detail in your presentation and how you will encourage your students to develop this aspect of their development as well as listing several methods which can be used in this process. You will also need to describe the Reiki principles and give examples of how this can fit into a modern lifestyle. You will also need to prepare on paper for a  Reiki level one course with the attunement for students, with aims and objectives or learning outcomes if you prefer for a single student, and multiple students. You should also have a brief knowledge of three other types or styles of Reiki, and how they originated, by whom and how they differ, and to present these also. I shall leave the choice of these up to yourself.
Once the student has completed their presentation we will look at Western, traditional Japanese and Buddhist attunements as well as distant attunements and seeking spiritual interventions from ascended Reiki Masters and Guides. After several practices using different attunements Michael will arrange an actual student who wants to become attuned to either level one or two in the afternoon and you will carry out the attunement under Michael's guidance.
We will also cover insurance issues, professional associations, teaching methods, consultations, ethics, and teaching qualifications, and regulation. Micheal will provide you with stationary, which you can modify to use in your own practice and on courses should you wish for no extra cost.
As you can see there is a great deal of preparation required on the part of the student for the weekend and at the end of the two days you will need to have successfully demonstrated your knowledge, skills and ability with the majority of the theoretical content in the course manuals as well as with your teaching skills in order to achieve our schools certificate.
Once you have decided to proceed a three hour meeting with Micheal will be arranged either on an evening or on a Saturday morning. An action plan will be mutually agreed to allow the student to fully refresh, revise, and research for their presentation prior to the course commencing. 
Level 3b; Master Teacher.Two and a half Day Course price on application
If you feel that you are ready to teach Reiki please call or text Michael on 07792 694030 to arrange a no obligation discussion in the first instance

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